Wednesday 1 July 2009

Adopt-a-Path Stuff at Crook

As its now July, its time, once again to do my twice yearly wander around half-a-dozen footpaths and bridleways just to the North of Crook. I do this as a volunteer for Durham County Council and the purpose is to make a report to the Council about any path blockages or whatever so that these rights of way stay open for people to use and enjoy.
In the end, its quite a nice little trundle of just about five miles.
I didn’t find too much this time – just one decrepit stile (pictured) , and another that would be difficult to find if you didn’t know it was there due to deep grass and nettles. This happened to this footpath last year and, eventually, it got strimmed. If its just a minor bit of overgrowth, I clear it myself – but this was too much for that.
Bruno came along for the walk, although I’m not sure he was too happy with the heat.
Actually, once on top of our local hill, there was a nice breeze and at the furthest away part of the circle, there’s a beautiful meadow of poor grass but lots of flowers.
I met a few people – one rebuilding a wall at Billy Row Church, a couple of old chaps gossiping outside some cottages and a lady sitting in her garden enjoying the sun and the view (she’s got a view which goes as far as Teeside).
And there was lots of bird song today – including a chiff-chaff (could be a migrant as this one was actually going chaff-chiffs) – lots of skylarks, and a flock of about twenty homing pigeons with squeaky wings circling a cree above Stanley Crook
I’ll be back to this route just after Christmas.
One pic shows Bruno and his tongue. I had to pour a bottle of water down his throat just after this!

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