Thursday 25 June 2009

Video test

This is just to see if I can load a video. If so- this is superdawg - almost live


  1. Your doggie is looking somewhat bemused....oh, and the video works.


  2. Bruno - "pussy cats... scone... bagel"

  3. That looks like a real, live moving dawg to me. You're not planning to video next year's Challenge[1] are you?
    [1] Standard disclaimer: "If selected etc.....[2]"
    [2] Huh! 10 timer... so disregard [1]

  4. He always looks like that John, except when rachel 9see comment below) mentions any of the words she's mentioning in her comment, at which point he turns into wolf-dog barking frenzy.
    I don't think I'll video the chally next year, Judith if I er get a er........ actually, I do have a place... All I need to do is survive the winter reasonably intact.
    I might do a few short vids at some point, though. New! animated pies....!


If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'