Tuesday 2 June 2009

Oh no....

Whilst in the middle of a bit of lightweight surfing yesterday, I got a sales call from somebody whom I assumed to be from BT, telling me that I could save two quid a month on my BT bill if I renewed the broadband contract.

I usually take the piss out of cold callers on the phone, but this time, for some inexplicable reason that I sort of thought I might live to regret, I said "yes".

I just got an email from BT, telling me that my order would be delivered tommorrow and that I would get lots of shiny new kit, a new broadband phone number and a new password.

This is the very last thing I want. The thing barely works now. If I start buggerring about with it, its not going to work at all.

I tried to cancel. First I tried ringing the phone number. After a lot of wandering around the algorithm, I was finally told(by a recording) that a third party had raised the order for me and to contact them. What? Not BT? I have no idea who it was.... they didn't say who they were... neither did they mention new passwords, phone numbers, routers, cables....

I filled in the form which says "I have a complaint" and I also replied to the email about the order saying that I didn't want it any more. I'm not very confident that either of these will have any effect at all.

The phone line has fallen over three times whilst I type this... no, make that four. Its so delicate, I dare not touch it.

I'd forgotten just how crap BT are at dealing with customers. After my mother died, I rang to tell them. A few days later, they wrote to her regretting that she'd left BT and if would she consider rejoining.... I rang them again. Eventually, I managed to get a human being, somewhere on the other side of the Empire. She failed to understand. I gave up. They wrote to her again. I complained. Nothing happened. Its been eleven months now and not a dickie bird out of BT

So, I am not optimistic. This has all the makings of a disaster as far as my computer/internet thingy is concerned.

I'm going for a walk tommorrow.

Another pic of the Tyne Gorge jaunt. I'll probably be blogging from the library shortly....
Never buy things on the phone...never buy things on the phone....never buy things on the phone...
..fallen over six times....


  1. You have most likely turned in for the night as I write this? A lot of stuff to catch up with here reading about all the fun you have been having. Have a good walk tomorrow (spelt right I think? :)) and forget BT till you get home.

  2. No - still here Martin.... B@88f^y BT grrrrr...
    I'm just off to pack me butties.
    Bruno suspects something

  3. BT's never been the same since poor Buzby got the chop! :(

    Have you tried complaining about the complaints department?

  4. Complaints dept replied today and tried to phone me, but I was up the Dales with Martin Banfield.
    Nothing got delivered today, but there is a card from the Post Office saying that they would have delivered something if the sender had paid the correct postage and would we like to drive to Bishop Auckland with some money so that we can have whatever it was they were wanting to send us.
    I don't think so....

  5. Is there not a 14 cooling off period for this sort of thing ?
    Not that it would make much difference to these folk..!
    Best of luck :)

  6. There is a cooling off period - I'm not sure how long it is though...

    But admitting to a cooling off period would wreck my wrant... It makes a change from ranting aboutour "honourable" members...


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