Tuesday 16 June 2009

Beinn Trilleachain

Mike was apparently suffering from Frost Heave, or something linked to far too much whisky to be arsed with walking anywhere on Thursday and plumped for the fleshpots of Glencoe
I decided to relocate my tent to the head of the loch, where there is an informal camping ground, and after fighting off a couple of grey hordes of blood-sucking midgleys, went for a little strollette up the local Corbett , one Beinn Trilleachain.
This hill is specially famous for its slabs of granite, upon which a few generations of rock climbers have scared the willies out of themselves.
As a walk, it’s a bit damp at first, and the local vegetation is green and lush and hard to fight a way through – but the route eventually starts up the upturned hull-shape of a hill and tiptoes up a few nicely angled slabs, and then down a few more to the final rounded top, where, it was perishing cold.
The views all around are quite fab, though and if you have a short half day spare, this is a cracking hill to bag.
I returned via a lot more slabs to a little lochan and then back to my dinner.
Just six fab miles and just about 3000 feet of climbing.
Discovered that the tent leaks both water and midgies. Bugger.

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