Wednesday 8 April 2009

TGO training - bagging day

And so, following a cosy snoozy comfy night at the restaurant for local foxes by the Poldive Burn (The place is heaving with little field meeces and the local foxes are having a field (meece) day, judging by the amount of fox poo laying around) - I blundered up through the forest and out on to Stony Hill - passing quite a bit of well distributed aircraft wreckage on the way. Whatever it was must have hit the hill very hard indeed -I would have thought... and some really nice lichens which were busily flowering.
Stony Hill is fairly nondescript, almost Pennine-ish, but it's neighbour - Cairn Table has more about it. The more about it being firstly a large and ancient cairn and an even bigger war memorial cairn and a view indicator and a path to Muirkirk. The big memorial cairn remember 87 people from Muirkirk who lost their lives in WW1. This is an enormous loss for such a place. But what a fine tribute.
I followed a path shown on the map, but non-existent in reality back down into the forest and through much tussling in the tussocks to the fine Cairn Kinney. Cairn Kinney's trig is rather strangely placed in a hole in the ancient summit cairn.

Due to it being perishing cold and freezing bits of me not meant to be frozen, I left the summit post-haste and put me tent up by Sherrifcleuch Burn (Northumbrian place name?!)
A fine spot too, with two streams of good, clean water.
It chucked it down during the night and the sleeping bag got a bit warm!
Another 16 and a bit kms...... but its not about kms, is it. (Its about ten miles)


  1. So the new sleeping bag is up to the task then. Looks like the walking with out that dog to pull you along is paying of with the fitness bit for the challenge :)

  2. I love it. Its blue...
    But I nearly got it very wet....


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