Saturday 11 April 2009

Loadsa work for charriddee

....don;t like to talk about it.
I have acquired a rail travel Voucher worth £21 which is valid for payment/part payment of the cost of rail travel on the principal train companies.
I will sell it to the highest bidder and forward the amount paid to Sue Ryder homes as a donation. (seeing as I got it for nothing)
It has to be used before 28 May 2009, and, as I'll be on the TGO Challenge in May, I'm setting the closing date for bids at 20 April 2009. This should allow time for cheques to clear before despatch to the most generous bidder. I'm not expecting a fortune, but I won't have time to use it and otherwise it'll just be thrown away.

1 comment:

If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'