Sunday 25 January 2009

Burns Night

There's been a short hiatus or pause in the postings. This will continue for a couple of days as I've just packed the knipemobile for a night's camping in Millom. This may well be explained in a later post.

In the meantime, me and Mrs K and the next door neighbours are just about to leave for Bishop Auckland Town Hall for a traditional night of flicking hot candle wax and lit matches at each other, as well as capturing people and holding them against very hot radiators.

Yes, folks, it's Burns Night again.

We'll be celebrating the birth of that well- known geordie poet Harry (the hat) Burns who's famous pomes "Who're ye lookin at bonnie lad?" and "Me ferret's ate yer pigeons, son (sorry like)" will be recitated between pints of broon ale and voddy and cerk* for the ladies

Later, we'l be eating that well known North_east England delicacy, Haggis an' turnips and tatties. The turnips have been retireved from a field full of pregnant sheep. They're only partially chewed, so it looks as if we're in for a good night.

Good night.

Back Tuesday night by the way.

Pic is some electricity things and council flats in Halifax. (We just had another family do there) I call it "Visions of Halifax" part of my outdoor visions due to drinking too much strong coffee collection.


  1. Haggis, turnips and broon ale !!

    God help your guts !! :/

  2. Picked up a link to your blog from another blogger...glad I found the place and have thoroughly enjoyed rummaging through your posts.

    This one certainly made me laugh!

    I assume you won't mind me putting you on my blogroll at "Where the Fatdog Walks". though I could remove it for a small fee! Keep up the good work - I look forward to coming back.

    All the best.


  3. The guts seem to have survived, Tykelad.
    And Ken - don't mind at all - help yourself...
    Sorry about the delay in publishing by the way only I've been to Millom for a couple of days.
    It were very nice.

  4. Nice blogs by the way lads - thats Tykelad (Grim up North) and Fatdogwalks. Cracking pics...

    Its grim oooop North by the way....

    My posts are a bit stacato tonight as its raining and the BT line falls over every 2 minutes when it gets wet

  5. "Its grim oooop North by the way...."

    Good point Mike !

    But tha dun't want to baffle t'Southerners o'er much does tha?


  6. 'Eeeez reyt tha knows...

    (apols for the slight lancashire accent...)


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