Sunday 7 December 2008

Thomas up a tree

I spotted this chap aloft in a neighbour's holly tree this morning.

This is Thomas, next door's adolescent cat. He often comes to play, and seems to like me - but here, he has the more serious intent of killing the sparrows that congregate very noisily in my privet hedge - hence he's up high in their tree. There's about thirty sparrows in all and Thomas sees it as his job to reduce the numbers. He's not been very successful yet, but I suspect I'm going to have to change how I feed the birds. Our own tom cat, Trex (cooking fat, gettit?) has recently lost a fang and isn't too bothered about decimating the wild bird population any more. He does get a bit twitched by Thomas's stalking, or is it shadowing...?

Superdawg sees Thomas as prey. I see my job as making sure that nobody gets hurt.

No walking today, hence a post about fluffy kittens.... I'll really have to do something involving walking boots and icy snow next week... I could get me crampons out... Its a fab day for it today, dammit...


  1. One of my cats often sleeps in the same room with the dog. They are best of friends. The other cat hates the dog. He would only slobber all over it if he got near it. He is a friendly hound.

  2. With yer dog/cat relationships, the most seems to depend on the attitude of the cat. Just another pack member as far the the dog's concerned.
    How's your route coming along Martin?

  3. I need to plot it out on the mapping software. Got it sorted in my head. Just a tweak needed. I got a couple 1 to 25,000 maps to find a way thought the odd forest etc. Fun stuff. I need a training walk and the Howgills are going to provide it.

  4. Howgills eh? What are they like then? I expect you'll have a fab time there by the way, although they're maybe not up to your usual mountaineering standard. Lumpy, green, grassy things infested with skylarks and meadow pipits - very noisy in springtime! There's some cracking camping spots as well..

  5. Lovely cat. How did you explain the name Trex to your grandchildren, though ... ?

  6. Its OK, Diane, the grandkids aren't yet old enough to understand the joke. My own sproglets understand it well enough, though. They've been very badly brought up! (Standby for a protest from Adminfairy)


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