Tuesday 2 December 2008

TGO Planning #5

Well, that's it, I've just emailed my TGO 2009 route off to Roger at Challenge Towers. One of his henchpersons will no doubt be sending some vetters comments back in a while...

In the meantime, this is my route:

I'm starting at Glenelg (after some initial non- challenge wanderings) and heading towards Kinloch Hourn and bagging a little hillock on the way. next day, its Westyer Glen Quoich to Allbeithe, then Easter Glen Quoich (I like to have the set) and a small peeeemple and some woods to Tomdoun where I will spend the kids' inheritance. Then to Loch Lundie - followed the next day by a raid on the shops and pubs of Ft Augustus before carrying on to Blackburn Bothy.
wake up at the back, there....
Then over the moanyminnie hills for two days to Newtonmore, where I will wash my mucky neck - then Phones to Ruighaiteachain, followed by the Cringroms to Derry Lodge.

I'll pass fleetingly and boozily through Braemar to Callater, then over Lochnagar to Shielin of Mark. Tarfside follows that, then Fettercairn and lanes and tracks to Johnshaven.
then on the Tuesday...........
Its a lowish level route and I'm going to camp, although i'll probably seek clean sheets and a roof in Newtonmore and Fettercairn. I need to think about Fettercairn a bit more.
We'll see what the vetter(s) say. (I had two last year...)


  1. Yee Haaaa!

    That's the first I've seen this year young fella m'lad!

    Looks like Lord Elpus & I will miss you until Montrose! (well, that's the current plan - number 12 - there will probably be another half dozen or so before we even get pen to paper! We really ought to meet up and talk about it properly...

    Two vetters - that's just greedy.

  2. yeee ha?! Throw another injun on the fire, Jake...
    I'm always pretty quick and decisive with the route - cos I'm usually walking alone due to the smell, so choosing the route is pretty easy... unless I'ev got one of my children with me in which case they do as they're told or they get smacked legs and no supper.... I've run out of kids now, though.. Anyway - see you in Montrose. I'll have a pint, please... ta....


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