Thursday 11 December 2008

TGO Challenge Planning #6 - vetters Comments

I've just received the vetter's comments on the route I submitted a week or so ago. My vetter this year is John Donohue. This year, aside from pointing out the inadequacies of my gaelic place names "You are to be congratulated for your early posting; congratulated, too for your valiant if hopeless battle with Scottish place names...."

Apart from clarifying where I actually meant for a couple of places (ahem!), John has pointed out a nice route improvement for me for climbing out of Glen Feshie (I am avoiding trying to remember how to spell the name of the bothy, but it's pronounced apparently without any consonants at all and sounds like somebody found the hot water bottle with their bare bum.

I didn't protest to John that I have the same struggle with English place names and Welsh is a mystery. I am aware that many Welsh villages are Pants, though..

Anyway, thanks to JD.

So, now, the route planning bit of the is complete. I have to add a couple of days at the start now, and also design a little four day training walk in April next year. When I've done the first part of this - the introductory days, I'll do a food plan.

JD, by the way, is one of the funniest blokes on the planet and whenever he's allowed to do a proper after dinner speech at The Challenge Dinner, its a real treat.


  1. The well known Bothy in Glen Feshie I presume? There are many ways out from there. The ones that take you up are best I find.

  2. JD says to go up to Lochan nam Bo (Cow Tarn?) (probbly got that wrong!!) and then Druim nan Bo and so Eastwards.
    And yes, Martin, it is that bothy - ruuueeeeyacheyaarrchannn!!

    I might camp outside. I understand that it has a toilet, though....

  3. I have had many a night in that Bothy and a few photos of it (one on my blog) It has a toilet and is great. I heard the sleeping platform up stairs is closed of? If so it will be a little cramped and best to camp. I am going over the Cairngorms on the Challenge. The whole traverse is looking likely. Feshie might get a visit.

  4. I'm not keen on sleeping with lots of others in the bothy, so I'll camp unless there's going to be a hurricane.
    We'll have to keep our fingers crossed for a repeat of 2008's weather. My fould weather alternative goes to White Bridge - which is a bit dull once you've left the Feshie (which is a fab place)


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