Tuesday 16 December 2008

Hello to the followers

This is just to say a brief "hello" to the nine followers wot I've got at the moment, including recent additions Eric Morecambe** (apparently) and somebody who looks spookily familiar, or at least familiarly spooky...
As at least 33 percent of my followers are now some of my favourite daughters (of the night) and one of their partners anyway, I would just like to point out that following this blog is no way to discover what you're getting for Christmas. The recipient of the rubber egg-laying rubber chicken thingy will have to remain a mystery, as will the magic drinking spectacles and the yellow blobby thing wot I've forgotten what its supposed to be - but probably dangerous for young children, so you at least you know who won't be getting it.
A special welcome too, to Eric... Nice one, sunshine...they can't touch you for it...

Has anybody noticed, by the way, how very little actual outdoor stuff most outdoor bloggers actually do? They really do need to get out more.... Or we'll have to start calling you indoor bloggers....

The pic attached to this post is completely irrelevant.


  1. Some of us have forgotten what walking is I think. I need a walk up a hill bad.

  2. Get yer boots on Martin.... its fab out there (if a bit damp...)
    I'm certainly pining for the fjords just now, but I'm hoping to fix this quite soon. I'm quite lucky to be disemployed, though.

  3. yeah, strange that. What with work, home commitments, the price of petrol, fixed working hours, traffic hell, weather, 4-hour round trip, illness.

    But, what the heck, it doesn't stop me from thinking about the outdoors even when I'm not there. It doesn't stop me from thinking about new kit to solve problems that I have had.

    Without the online world of blogs, forums, podcasts (audio and video) and websites with the ability to order online, then I'd have given up completely and immersed myself back into my day job. Heck, maybe I'd have got that promotion, with all that it would have meant.

    But, y'know, when I'm sat in "the class from hell", I can think of a happy place. Away from keyboards and paperwork, from people who don't listen, and from trolls who tell me how to spend my holidays, and drift off to the next wild camp. Even if it is only an over-nighter at low level.

    Happy trails, but I'll hike my own hike.

  4. Hello Aktoman - don't get the idea that I'm trying to tell you what to do... But..er... it does sound like a nice relaxing walk would do you a lot of good. Bit prickly there... stress...blood pressure....all that setting fire to things...

  5. ...and envy/jealousy too, Mike ;-)

    When things become a chore, and I feel that I have to get out there because other people expect it of me, then that is the time I just slouch back on the sofa and make up an excuse.

    Happy trails, sir.

  6. Ok, fair do's - well have to send round the mucky boot police to get you off the settee and out into the nithering cold, muddy, windy, damp,dark, murky, clarty.... ooer actually, a sofa's maybe not such a bad idea....

  7. LOL, Mike - don't give in to the Dark Side, get out and hike ;-)

    When I was off earlier this year, imobilised for 4 weeks with an inflamed leg, being able to read about other people's exploits and plan future trips kept me from going stir-crazy.

  8. Duncan has a good point in it is better to be planning and looking out to the hills if you cant get out than nothing. Positive thinking indeed. I am busy getting the new Hostel I have been relocated to up and running. That and my family commitments mean at best a day walk in the peak district soon and a backpack at the end of January.

  9. I'm quite lucky because I ran off giggling into the night with my NHS pension (actually, there wasnt much luck involved, but rather a very finely tuned plan)
    But I haven't forgotten those days, long, long ago when I had family commitments and a job and, well, generally stuff...
    All things must pass, though as George Harrison once wrote in a not specially good song.... But if we had no commitments at all, it'd be just as sad, innit?

  10. Hi Mike
    I've had a sore throat, that's why my trips have been sparse recently. I did enjoy 'pre-vetting' a Mad Austrian's TGOC route though. An impressive mix of 2000 metre ascents and 40 km a day bimbles.
    Have you been taking self-timed photos of yourself in various disguises and setting up blogs in fictitious personas, just to get a few more followers? Or am I just jealous?
    I went to my old work place yesterday. "What do you do with your time?" they asked....!!

  11. Look, sometimes don't you just wish you'd kept your virtual gob shut?
    Anyway, anybody else with an excuse for not going walking will need a note from their mum. And anybody turning up to games without their kit will just have to walk in their underpants.
    But you saw through my clever disguises. What was it? The pipe? The hat? The Aberdeen accent? The tights? Pesky kids! Now I'll never get control over the oil well under the barn......

  12. I think I've been very good. Even if I can't get to more exotic locations I still go to the local woods/park when I can and in all weather. Please see my blog for details ...

    And I made the most of lovely sunshine today and bolted out into the New Forest like it was the last sunny day ever!

  13. ROTFLMAO - That's the attitude Mike :))

    Have a great Winter and I look forward to your blog posts.

  14. Diane - and Aktoman
    Sorry about the delay in publishing your comments, I been up a hill, see?
    Sunshine Diane? That would be nice, but I don't think we'll have any up this end for a few days. I like the writing style in your blog Diane - nice and straightforward - some people tend to overwrite things when they're talking about the countryside. (In my opinion anyway)
    See the next post for derring dooooos up hairy hills. (actually, its just Ingleborough. It was windy, though.)

  15. Light the blue touch paper and retire eh Mike? Or is that retire and then light the blue touch paper...?
    Maybe you have a few more followers than you thought!

  16. Well, it certainly seems to have livened the place up a bit, but maybe the people who haven't posted comments are sulking...or out for a walk, perhaps...

    Moving right aong, though....


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