Wednesday 19 November 2008

Shameless Plug

And now for a shameless plug - Over on Phil and Tina have published the first three months of my Howgills diary - full of route ideas and good advice about how to manage your interpersonal relationships, nutrition, dog training, history, archeology and flower arranging and even how to stop smoking.

Its twelve months in the Howgills containing (eventually), thirteen walks and it took me two years to do due to various bits of unpleasantness involving ECG machines and nurses with needles and razors and stuff....
They do a cracking job on Doodlecat making this stuff readable and looking presentable by the way. I can;t bellieve some of those pictures are mine....
Anyway, whatever you do, don;t use it as a guide to the Howgills...
have a look.
justabitofun, justabitofun....


  1. Nothing wrong with a shameless plug Mike! I look forward to reading the stuff on Doodlecat.

  2. Cheers Andy, the first three months are on Doodlecat just now.
    I'll be quiet about it now as I'm just off to Yorkshire for a few days.

    Get some proper bloody chips...

  3. I shall read them with a keen eye, as I plan to go visit them hills soon.

  4. Always a pleasure to read your pieces, Mike. Hope to get into those fells soon, but I'm a bit behind with the GBPs at the to B&Q in the morning!

  5. Sorry about the delay, peeps, I been away, see? - Blog item apearng shortly about where I've been.
    Good to have feedback - specially nice feedback.
    Phil - If there's any choosing of colours to be done, make sure you dont do it.
    Just a little advice, there....


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