Sunday 26 October 2008

I got a place!

Roger Smith, the TGO Challenge co-ordinator and all-round good egg just emailed me to say that I've got a place on the 2009 TGO Challenge - and, as it will be my ninth, I also get a place on the 2010 TGO Challenge.]

Smug mode.

This has cheered me up no end from the dark time of year and the, frankly, crap news from other bloggers who are being specially unlucky with their personal lives at the moment. All I need to do now is not to have any major illnesses before the end of May 2010, and , of course, to complete two TGO Challenges.

Glenelg for me in May, with an early start on Skye....
Pic of adminfairy waiting for her tea


  1. Good for you. I think from the comments Roger made those who did not get on on 08 will get on 09. That is me. I aint sure but it sounds good.

  2. If so, and all other things being equal, we must share a pint or two somewhere, Martin. Just to have a little celebrate. Probably Montrose... just the minor detail of a 200 mile walk...

  3. I’ll click on your adverts lots of times so you get rich and the pints are on you :)

    PS we can also tax Alan Sloman for a pint as well.

  4. Good. The place in the pic looks like a nice little camping spot. Surely thats not me looking knackered and fed up in the 'No Sitting' bench?

  5. Very pleasant spot as I seem to remember.
    (The seat had a sign next to it which said "No sitting". ) I think it was a comment on all those signs that prevent you from doing things. I once saw a sign painted on a rock which said "No graffiti on the rocks".... for instance.
    Its the equivalent of the page which says "This page is intentionally blank." But it isnt.

  6. Congrats.

    Nice tent in the foreground.

  7. What, do you mean the hactolike100?


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